Gettin' to Work
We set the place up, cleaned, shined, designed, and now we are on the case; armoring up the Bradley Track Vehicles to better withstand attack. This will be a photo essay...I'll let the pics do the talking. Actually, I really can't show you much, so just enjoy the colors...
Checkin' out the new ride:
applying secret stuff
tap and drill, what a thrill
Hindsight is 20-20
(we should have bought larger suits)
Checkin' out the new ride:
applying secret stuff
tap and drill, what a thrill
How fun... I wish I could do this :) Just knowing you are saving lives, from bomb wielding lunatics.... is nice.
(hope I spelled "wielding" right)
ps: Is that you in the last pic?
(What's the matter, did the suit get (*,,,,,*)
(hope its no and... no ;)
Hey, it's my favorite Barbie! You sound quite cheerful. Yes, it's a great job to have, serving America's Best.
Yeah, that's me on Saddam's Throne and in front of Abu Ghraib--I'm only half the man the man in the suit is... ;-)
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