Royal Treatment
Palace at Victory 
The office was in disarray: internet down! Bradley Combat Operations were faltering, tech experts had been called in and still no solution! Who ya gonna call, the mechanic? Durn right!
Seems in my spare time at Kirkuk I studied satellite broadband and wireless internet and deployed two internet hotspots for my co-workers and soldiers out of sheer boredom and a severe entrepreneurial urge I can’t seem to control.
Somehow the word of said experience got around here and I was called in to glance at our issues. Sure enough, in a few hours the office network was back online. But seriously, this melodramatic self-aggrandizing story is not what you’ll be interested in. The point is, I’m the new IT guy and... for certification they sent me to….THE Palace. (Guess who packed his camera?)
So; won’t you come with me for a tiny photo tour of… SADDAM‘s PALACE? Sure he’s gone, but the Krib of the Great Badness Hisself has been restored for, well, our enjoyment. Enjoy…(Click to enlarge)
Sparkling steps arc through spiral stairways...I call this the Ballroom:

Sheer Chandelier...a closer look at this lead-crystal monstrosity!

Can’t believe I am sitting on Saddam’s throne, that’s right! He used to sit in this chair and rule in terror. Now I sit in it and drool in error...

Things to do while at the Palace...
The office was in disarray: internet down! Bradley Combat Operations were faltering, tech experts had been called in and still no solution! Who ya gonna call, the mechanic? Durn right!
Seems in my spare time at Kirkuk I studied satellite broadband and wireless internet and deployed two internet hotspots for my co-workers and soldiers out of sheer boredom and a severe entrepreneurial urge I can’t seem to control.
Somehow the word of said experience got around here and I was called in to glance at our issues. Sure enough, in a few hours the office network was back online. But seriously, this melodramatic self-aggrandizing story is not what you’ll be interested in. The point is, I’m the new IT guy and... for certification they sent me to….THE Palace. (Guess who packed his camera?)
So; won’t you come with me for a tiny photo tour of… SADDAM‘s PALACE? Sure he’s gone, but the Krib of the Great Badness Hisself has been restored for, well, our enjoyment. Enjoy…(Click to enlarge)
Sparkling steps arc through spiral stairways...I call this the Ballroom:
Sheer Chandelier...a closer look at this lead-crystal monstrosity!
Can’t believe I am sitting on Saddam’s throne, that’s right! He used to sit in this chair and rule in terror. Now I sit in it and drool in error...
Things to do while at the Palace...
Wow... That's the same kind of chair (different color) as in Dubai. Looks like rulers (etc) like their chairs "wide" hahaha
Could have been an IKEA sale item! ;-)
Came back to see the great pictures, again...
And hey, (O _ O)
You might just want to be careful of the fishing over there...
(Any heavy, "dark green", small oval fish, you gotta "throw them back real quick!") (wink)
har har har...took me awhile to get that one...but usually carp are the scariest catches...
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