Kuwait a Minute!
First time in Kuwait. Still Winter so it’s a beautiful 65-70 degrees. Due to glitches we are here for a few days. Our rooms are right next to the beach -- darn! The people are friendly and I’m amazed that yet another country seems to be built entirely on sand…and the rich crude beneath it. But it really is just sand and buildings!
Most of the streets have no lanes painted on them and smashed vehicles are pretty much left by the roadside. Maybe as a warning to buckle up? The local currency is the Dinar (just like Iraq) except One Dinar is worth $3.50. Stranger? They use 1000ths of a dollar instead of hundreths. So a 95cent meal at McDonalds looks like this: .950 A dime is .100 It’s confusing at first but you just take off a zero and it makes cents, as it were. Also funny: they have ¼ and ½ Dinar bills. The motto on the money? “We Seek God’s Assistance”
We got your Harley-Davidson stores. There is also Pizza Hut, Burger King, Pepsi, Red Bull, you name it. It’s almost American here in many ways. There are many Eastern nationalities living together here in peace and tolerance and one wonders why it’s so hard in Iraq. I guess that is the ideological battle front for the media eye?
Anyway, it’s really fun to visit yet another country…and get paid for it! And soon, again, I will be Back in Iraq.
Beach view from my room at Dawn:
"We seek God's Assistance"... That is so nice :) Wish our currency said that...
-The ACL* would really have us in litigation! :(
How right you are, because WE DO have that on our currency! Except we phrase it "In God We Trust." And yes, the ACL#$*$@&U has tried to remove it.
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