Saturday, February 10, 2007

This Shouldn’t Be Secret

Just spent a week in Ft. Benning preping for another trip to the Middle East. We civilians marched lock-step with soldiers in formation with the Sergeant yelling LEFT, LEFT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT (and stuff like that) from station to station. Never having been in the service myself, I got a kick out of it. Two if I stepped out of line ;-) Even got my own dog-tags.

ANYWAY we were trained in Anti-Terrorism, Bomb recognition and reaction, how to treat open-chest and open abdominal wounds, and Army rules of conduct including LOW(Laws of War) and Army Values, to name a few.

I was very impressed. The whole operation was unusually efficient and the leadership was very respectful. Most people had a complaint as is human nature is wont to, but I have not seen such military proficiency/cordiality as I did here with Charlie Company in Ft. Benning. Did I mention the “free” food?

Particularly impressive were Army Values. Their acronym LDRSHIP is broken down as Loyalty, Duty, Responsibility, Service, Honor, Integrity, and Patriotism. The Standards are very high, noble, and reminiscent of the ideals of Christianity. I wish every American had to have this course!

The LOW(Laws of War) are also very impressive. Never to harm or steal from innocent civilians, care for a wounded enemy as soon as he is no longer a threat, don’t blow up anything you don’t have to, etc etc. When you consider the amazing duress under which soldiers operate and these high standards, you HAVE to be impressed how rare a major American-soldier screw-up is. In fact, it’s WORLD-WIDE news when it occurs. That’s impressive. Not to mention enemy soldiers often surrender because they know they will be better treated as American POWs than by their own army.

We are trained on GI-dummy; treating open abdominal wounds


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